Tigray, Ethiopia - View on map
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The tour will cover driving via Wukro and further to Negash, 10 km after Wukro, lies on a plateau commanding a magnificent view of the surrounding area. Negash got its name from the Tigrinya word (the local language) '' Negash or Negasi'' meaning king. "Nejashi" is an Arabicized variant of the word. Un fortunately the historical Mosque has been restored by the Turkish government was damaged by the war in 2021and the elders of the village will explain it more in deep anger.

 The history of Negash has its origins in the 7th century AD, if not before. Although Negash is as old as the faith of Islam itself, it is this country's best-unknown place of Islamic worship. History has it that the early followers of the Prophet Mohammed were denied the fundamental right to pursue the religion they preferred and were harshly persecuted by the Quraysh tribe, the mercantile rulers of Mecca. In order to maintain the very survival of his religion, the prophet had to seek a safe hideout for his followers. '' Yonder lieth a country wherein no one is wronged: a land of righteousness. The then ruler of Ethiopia, or Najashi, granted asylum to the first refugees, eleven men and four wives. They arrived in his territory ''in the 7th month of the year of Mohammed's mission (615).'' The second ''hijira'' (flight) consisted of one hundred and one Muslims. The Quraysh are said to have asked the Ethiopian ruler to hand over the exiles to them, but the king is reported to have declared ''if you were to offer me a mountain of gold I would not give up these people who have taken refuge with me.'' The notables among the refugees were the Prophet's daughter Ruquyya, his future wives, Umma Habiba and Umma Salama or Hindi, and his cousin and leader of the religious exiles, Ja'afar Ibn Abu Talib. Many of these Muslims stayed in the country until they died and were buried at the sacred town of Negash. ''The Najashi of the Habashat'', as the king is known in the Arab world, died in 630 and is also buried in Negash.

